How To Optimize Production Flow Through Lean Manufacturing in Mexico

Optimizing the production flow seems to be an obvious step on the way to making the industry more efficient and creating a movement toward perfecting it. Implementing lean manufacturing in Mexico is a significant part of achieving this.

This is because the optimization of production flows offers speed and an improvement in prices, profit margins, and what is better, an increase in the quality standards of processes and products manufactured in Mexico.

When it comes to achieving this, there is no better way than applying different lean manufacturing methods to a company’s work routine. But what is lean manufacturing in Mexico? What does a company get from it? How is it applied to optimize the production flow?

The rest of the text of this article is dedicated to answering these questions.

What is lean manufacturing in Mexico?

Also known as “lean manufacturing” or “clean production,” this is a management model focused on creating a production flow capable of delivering the best and maximum value to its customers. It concentrates on using the minimum of resources required. As its name indicates, it seeks to accomplish the creation of lean production without waste and with the highest quality.

Principles and objectives of lean manufacturing

To better understand optimizing the production flow achieved through lean manufacturing, it is necessary to be familiar with its seven principles and objectives. These items  speak of lean manufacturing’s integral method in all moments of the life of the production flow, from its design and application to its constant supervision and improvement:

“Zero Defects” Quality

Lean manufacturing in Mexico seeks to achieve parts produced without any defects. This occurs not as the result of magic or by simple will but through the detection and solution of problems at all stages of the production process. The quality method identifies issues from the beginning to avoid corrective steps. Therefore, lean manufacturing in Mexico is not just about flawless parts but also optimized processes.

For this, companies can follow different methods, one of the most used being the grouping of products or processes by families. This is because items related to each other usually have the same requirements and needs. Because of this, companies can carry out successful planning by efficiently using each resource in the points that genuinely need it, encouraging their ideal positioning.

Zero Waste in Lean Manufacturing in Mexico

The zero waste principle is not only based on the reduction of surpluses or waste during production but also on the elimination of all activities that do not add value. This has the effect of optimizing the use of both material and human resources.

At this point, and based on the previous element, manufacturers can create  “value flow maps.” These tools are used to show how the material and information flow, from the quote to the collection. They can identify potential problems in the production process to make the necessary changes.

On the other hand, manufacturers should not forget to create capacity planning methods or tools, as current markets are highly volatile and must be monitored closely and regularly. Achieving more excellent production quality is not only about not having waste but also about never falling behind or losing control over the demand rate. Eliminating bottlenecks and optimizing the use of units of time and measurement will also contribute to a company’s success.

Always stay in continuous improvement mode

At this point, lean manufacturing in Mexico should focus on an improvement process that never ends or stops. It should be based mainly on measurement indicators, such as inventory turnover, times, yields, costs, units produced, etc. A lean manufacturing program should always seek to improve those parameters.

Remember that it is not about being dissatisfied all the time but rather about producing a dynamic spirit, which without forgetting discipline and processes, is always looking to improve.

As can be observed, markets are continually changing and, with them, associated quality standards. Given this dynamic, the generation of new strategies by competitive manufacturers will always be necessary. For instance, we can illustrate this point by observing current trends in automation.

Pull Processes

It can be said in a practical way that pull processes are based on simple and straightforward production mechanics. This is because customers are asking for an item or “pulling.” In this instance, manufacturers move away from the tendency to produce only because the customer pushes them.

In other words, it is about a  manufacturing company moving away from the inertia of continuing to produce only “because they have to .”In this way, overproduction is avoided. What is better for efficiency than to optimize the production flow making each moment dependent on real needs? Doing this will also give producers the time and resources necessary to detail deliveries for each client. Betting on pull methods is betting on having robust control over production flow.

Be flexible

Expanding beyond the previous point, companies that successfully increase their production efficiency will also find that flexibility is another of the guidelines of the lean manufacturing method. This is not only about the ability to adapt to change as a philosophy, but rather, it is about a result of achieving a smaller but more efficient and accurate production. This gives companies that implement lean manufacturing in Mexico the space to make changes, or as indicated earlier, to detail according to the demand or the specific needs of customers.

This way, rapid changes are achieved, generating an unmatched competitive advantage.

Long-term relationship with suppliers

Although a long-term relationship is always sought with customers, companies rarely put the same emphasis on relationships with their suppliers. It is essential to consider that creating a long-term relationship with them is the key to developing a bond of loyalty that is not only philosophical but also shares all the risks and costs. Seeking to foster this type of relationship turns suppliers into allies and, more practically, partners.

Companies that implement lean manufacturing in Mexico can achieve this by designing and implementing continuous communication and information exchange methods. Accomplishing this will ensure the union and interoperability between a company and its suppliers.

Implementation of the 5S

This point is totally based on the organization since if a manufacturer wishes to comply with all the previous issues, cleanliness, security, and functionality are required. An organized environment that shortens time achieves what is known as “total productive maintenance,” or TPM. TPM is based on preventive conditioning, constant monitoring, and programming, and scheduling of maintenance, in addition to, of course, the 5’s:

  • seiri: subordinate, classify, discard
  • seiton: systematize, order
  • seiso: sanitize and clean
  • seiketsu : simplify, standardize and make consistent
  • shitsuke: sustain the process, discipline

Companies that employ TPM will ensure their stability and predictability of production.

Optimize production flow through lean manufacturing in Mexico

As observed, lean manufacturing obtains the correct results at the right times and in appropriate quantities and places. It ensures that manufacturers implementing lean manufacturing in Mexico will not unduly waste resources a joint and creates an organizational work dynamic that is open to positive change at all times.

Optimizing the production flow is a challenge, but without a doubt, lean manufacturing in Mexico provides companies with excellent tools and methods to achieve it.