Shelter Manufacturing in Mexico – Risk Mitigation, & More [Podcast]
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THE FURNITURE INDUSTRY IN MEXICO The furniture industry in Mexico stands out as the world’s fourth-largest exporter of height-adjustable swivel seats and the eighth leading exporter of wooden chairs and seats The forest-wood-furniture supply and production chains in Mexico have great potential in both the domestic and export markets. Recent information provided by the […]
Light Manufacturing Industry in Mexico Light industry in Mexico uses raw materials and semi-finished products to manufacture items of particular use and consumption. The light industry obtains its materials from heavy industry, which processes to produce products aimed at an end consumer. However, sometimes its products could be used by other similar companies as […]
Mexico has progressed from offering competitively priced labor and obsolete infrastructure to being one of the top ten industrial economies in the world, surpassing investment destinations such as Japan and Hong Kong. With a high sophistication in metal fabrication in Mexico, product design processes and process development, the country has gained a high degree […]
According to information published by the Nuevo León State Appliance Cluster (CLELAC), Mexico is the leading exporter of household appliances in Latin America. Production. Appliance manufacturing in Mexico was valued at US $9.6 billion, and average annual growth of 5.5% has been achieved in recent years. As of December 2018, the employment of the […]
The electronics industry in Mexico The electronics industry in Mexico has positioned itself to be among the leading exporters on a global scale of some classes of manufactured products in this competitive sector. According to recent studies that have been conducted by the Mexican Ministry of the Economy, the electronics industry in Mexico can be […]
The trend is reversing. China is no longer considered the better option across the board. Reshoring to the US and especially nearshoring to Mexico are becoming more and more popular.
The plastics industry in Mexico contributes 0.4% to the country’s GDP and 2.6% to the country’s manufacturing GDP. Mexico is the eleventh producer and twelfth plastics consumer in the world. Also, it is a leader in recycling in Latin America, recovering more than 50% of the Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that it uses. The plastics […]
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